Volume 19, Issue 10
St. Augustine Evangelical Bible Church, Cor. Agostini & Bellesmythe Sts. Curepe
A gentle reminder! Tomorrow is in God’s hands, not ours!!!
Because God is all caring, all knowing and all powerful, He always wants what is best, knows what is best and accomplishes what is best for us. Thus, whatever God does to us, for us or with us is always in our greatest interest. (See 1 Peter 5:7; Hebrews 13:5; Psalm 145:13). Yet, in spite of such blessed assurance, we suffer stress, tension, anxiety, fear and depression.
One common cause of these psychological/emotional conditions is obsessive concern about the future, often compounded by anticipation of some tragedy.
Inability to predict the future is a human limitation, but is not a defect or oversight. God knows and He caters for our limitations. So, how important is it to know the future?
Which is more comforting, to know what the future holds (and be able to do little about it, anyway), or to know Him who holds the future? And we are not talking about just factual knowledge, but that which comes through a personal relationship with God. Surely, the latter is to be preferred.
Frantic obsession about the future results from a lack of faith. When we fail to trust God and His word, we pain ourselves needlessly. But, more destructively, we sin. Not believing God’s word is equivalent to calling God a liar – a grave sin.
To live triumphant lives, we are not only to believe in God…we are also to believe God: trust, obey and take comfort in His word. (See Psalm 119:160; Proverbs 3:5 and Hebrews 10:23).
Written By Lennnox Powder
Published in The Tablet, March 2006: Volume 1, Issue 3 and November 2020: Volume 16, Issue 11.
The Backstory (2022)

At the end of May last year (2022), we got wind that one of our student leaders, Dé Jhan Aaron, wanted to serve with Cru during the June to August vacation period. Whether he was going to receive a salary or not, he wanted to serve with Cru during his vacation. We were not about to give up this opportunity! So, in a “mad” rush, we positioned ourselves to receive our first summer employee. In case you’re wondering, we paid him a salary. :)
Thankfully, our youngest staff member, Jemima Robin, got cracking immediately and put together a programme, in fine style, based on her own internship experience at another organization. The Operations team comprising Celene Ramoutar and Brianna Peters “adopted” him and ensured that he was well taken care of. Additionally, Jonathan organized a digital strategies project for him. Jon and I were in Jamaica for nearly his entire summer employment, so our involvement was limited. All in all, he appreciated the experience, but we knew that we had a lot more to offer as an organization.

Then, in a general staff meeting, we evaluated his time with us and together, we agreed to embark on an official Summer Internship Programme which we named “Cru SIP”. Jon churned out an impressive logo in short order. With more time to prepare, our aim was to give the interns a “taste” of Cru while investing in their spiritual development; expanding their ministry skills; and developing their character. Personally, I wanted to give the students the best internship experience possible!
A dream come true!
June 1, 2023 was a dream come true! Having Tyrese, Krista and Nicah at the office seemed so surreal! Our fantastic staff team ensured that the interns felt that they belonged and that they were sufficiently engaged and challenged. For 3 months, they served with Family Life, Operations, Digital Strategies and Student-Led Movements sprinkled with a few office tasks. Undoubtedly, they got a “taste” of Cru. We thoroughly enjoyed having them work alongside us!
Here are some excerpts from their newsletters about their Cru SIP experience:
Krista Diaz

There are so many things I could elaborate on in this internship, but I couldn’t write this letter without mentioning my favorite assignment from these 3 months. I was responsible for creating the programme for Cru’s ministry fair called “World of Opportunities”. I had a blast organizing the presenters for each segment and determining what information the attendees would need to follow along with the presenters. I participated in other aspects of the event planning process, but I was mainly responsible for creating the programme and on the day itself, ensuring the programme runs smoothly.
Tyrese Phillip
Nicah Cruikshank
At our closing celebration, one of the mothers exclaimed, “Please don’t change anything about this programme because it worked!” Within 3 months, she witnessed phenomenal growth in her daughter.
To tell you the truth, God really guided us and enabled us. Tyrese, Krista and Nicah are now a part of the Cru T&T staff family and we have grown to care for them. As a matter of fact, they say that Jon and I are their staff parents, partly because I was occasionally bringing home-baked chocolate cake and cookies for them and they would bring their “hard” apologetic-type questions to him. Lol I will miss my “little children”!
Thank you for investing in our ministry as we seek to raise up another generation of faithful Christ followers

Praise God:
For a successful Cru SIP 2023.
For our newest employee, Shinique Parkinson. She serves the National Ministry as the Administrative Assistant. She’s an answer to prayer for certain!
Please Pray:
For continued growth of these awesome young people - Tyrese, Krista & Nicah.
For the next Cru SIP cohort in 2024. I will start to go on campus again to promote the programme this month.
For our Ministry Fair on September 30, 2023. This is the main event that the interns have been working on. Please pray that God will bring more labourers so that we can impact more lives.
For the Ministry Partner Development training for the new staff who has been recently accepted to serve with Cru.
For the Ministry Partner and Alumni event on October 21, 2023 to which all financial supporters and Cru alumni are invited.
From Jonathan & Kimberly Garth.
What's On
This Month

As announced at SAEBC’s October 2022 Business Meeting, the Pastors and Elders are preparing a Leadership Development Program that will begin in February 2023. The goal of the program is to identify and prepare members who are willing to fill leadership posts in the future within SAEBC: Ministry Leaders, Deacons, Deaconesses, Elders, Pastors or Beyond SAEBC: AEBC, Missions, Para-Church Organisations
In the past, SAEBC has found Pastors from within its Eldership and Elders from among its Deacons. The church membership has endorsed this approach to growth and development. This requires that members make themselves available for training and appointment or election to leadership positions.
We invite those who feel the call to Church leadership involvement to prayerfully consider the application below. Please complete and submit this application to the church office (in written form via Email or WhatsApp) and you will obtain an interview for inclusion in the program.
The head of the Church, Our Lord Jesus Christ, both calls and equips leaders for His body. Pray/work with us as we seek to find His provisions for SAEBC.
Please download and fill out the interest form below
Fun Corner

Mary was always the one doing the job and decided to get her husband to help her.
So she said to him, “John please give me a helping hand. Why don’t you change the baby?”
Her husband’s reply was instructive, “Darling, I would really like to, but he’s got to want to change!”
Useful messages found in Chinese Fortune Cookies:
Someone will find great prosperity and happiness by stealing your identity
When you have the bit between your teeth, chew on it but don’t swallow
You only think you know how to use chopsticks
Man who leaps off cliff jumps to conclusion
Heck is where people go who do not believe in Gosh
People who live in glass houses should change in the basement
‘All you idiots, fall out!’ shouted the drill sergeant to the formation of soldiers.
One soldier remains standing at attention while the rest of the formation disperses.
As the sergeant approaches him and raises his eyebrows the soldier exclaims with a grin,
“I am as surprised as you are that there were so many idiots on parade today!”
What is the difference between a man and a dog running.
One has trousers and the other pants.
This Month's
Prayer & Praises
Let’s Pray Without Ceasing
The reopening of the Home work center
Ronald & Heather Yearwood
We have been travelling. The last week in September in Dakar, Senegal, doing a translation consultant check of Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians. Then in Missouri first week in October representing our field of West Africa, presenting the needs at our missionary training centre to candidates. Pray that many will find their fit as they will hear of the many needs around the globe.
Please pray for Sanasi and Philomen. That they will practice looking to the Lord for their every need. That they will remain focused on Him. Pray also for the believers on the Guinea side. They are through the most difficult time of the year. Peanuts and Cucumbers are relieving the hunger now.
Pray that the pilot aquaponic project will survive in our absence. Those looking on have been encouraged with the growth of the fish so far.
Continue to pray for the teaching. Even though we are paused, pray that the people will chew on what was presented so far. May God's words penetrate their hearts.
We have several young men to disciple and place on a good path. We ask that you pray that this added blessing will be aptly provided for.
Pray for the empowerment project on the Guinea side.The carpentry and welding are getting their name out there. Pray for more contracts to be gotten to be able to sustain the program.
Let’s Give Thanks
Celebrating another year together as a church; may we continue to grow as a congregation and continue going out and spreading His word through out the world
A successful convention week
Ronald & Heather Yearwood: -
We are grateful that we have been able to have a few nights of public teaching before our trip in late September. Most households were represented and engaged in the reviews. We reviewed from Creation through the fulfilling of the promise to Abraham. The crowd was attentive and the rains held up so we can do it in the open air since doing it with limited space indoors prevented many from being able to attend.
Preaching Schedule
The Lord and Love in the Gospel
Memory Verse:
“Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it." -Mathew 10: -37-39
OCT 01 | Elder Lindon Mitchel TBD | Eph 6:21-24 • The Last Words on Love Communion Service |
OCT 08 | Martin Hughes | Matthew 5:43-48 • Love your enemies |
OCT 15 | Sonnel Patrick | Matthew 10:34-38 • Love that is worthy of Me |
OCT 22 | Pastor Kelvin Mapp | Mark 12:28-34. • The Greatest Commandant |
OCT 29 | Ebi Sonron | Luke 7: 36-50. • Love that is sincere |
NOV 05 | Elder Joe Caterson TBD | TBD Communion Service |
9:00 AM | Sunday Service |
10:00 AM | Sunday Junior Church |
11:30 AM | Sunday School |
6:00 PM | Wednesday CBSI |
7:15 PM | Wednesday Prayer Meeting |